Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Traditional Viking Religion

Traditional Viking Religion The Vikings’ religious beliefs were constantly changing and evolving. They had many different ways of worshiping, and viewing their gods. It was dependent completely on where you lived, in what era, and what your social class was, though the Vikings weren’t very strict on this. Most of these beliefs were recorded after Christianity had already taken hold of the Viking culture. But, it seems that under their outer appearance of ‘good little Christians’, they were still telling the stories based on their original beliefs.These stories and myths ended up being documented in three different ways: Poetic Edda, Skaldic poetry, and Prose Edda. Poetic Edda was a compilation of poems written in Iceland just after the mid-thirteenth century. They came from all over Scandinavia, which includes the countries of present-day Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Skaldic poetry was written mostly in the ninth century, but is very compl ex, and therefore difficult for most people to understand. The Icelandic poet, politician, and historian, Snorri Sturluson, wrote Prose Edda in the 1220s.Prose Edda is the most commonly used resource on Viking mythology today, because it was Sturluson’s goal to revive (but also explain) the skaldic art. Along with his poems, he had a key of sorts that made understanding his work possible. (Wolf 148-149) Some Vikings believed that the world was made up of several circles of different worlds; all of them connected in some way. Others believed in the nine worlds that were all connected by the world tree, referred to as Yggdrasil (Roberts). Yggdrasil was at the center of the world, and had nine roots, each root branching out to one of the worlds.At the bottom of everything was Niflheim, the world of the dead. This realm is ruled by the death-goddess, Hel. She named a portion of Niflheim after herself. Unlike its Christian counterpart when it comes to the world of the dead, Niflhe im is a land of ice, not fire. There is a root leading into Niflheim, and one leading directly into Hel. Then came the land of the giants, Jotunheim. It is also sometimes called Utgard (Wolf 149); it was mostly known as the land of monsters, and enemies of the gods. After this, came a realm that there isn’t much to known about: Nidavellir, the realm of dwarfs.Next came three realms of almost equal rank. The two elf lands, Svartalfheim, the land of the dark elves, and Alfheim, the domain of the light elves. Alfheim was thought to be at the same level as the middle world, where humans dwelt, known as wither Midgard or The Middle Yard. Then at the top of everything were the two different major realms where gods lived: Asgard, where the Aesier gods and goddesses lived, and Vanaheim, where the Vanier (another tribe of gods and goddesses that were more nature focused than the Asier) lived. In Asgard and Vanaheim each deity lived in his or her own kingdom.It was believed that a flam ing rainbow bridge called Bifrost, connected Midgard to the worlds where the gods lived. There were also two other realms that weren’t connected to Yggdrasil. These were Muspell, and Ginnungagap. Muspell was the land of the Fire Giants, and demons, ruled by Surt (Roberts), who plays a vital role in both the beginning and the end of the world. Ginnungagap is the Void of Chaos, where life began. It separates Niflheim and Muspell. In the beginning, before even humans or gods there were three realms: Muspell, Niflheim, and Ginnungagap.In between Muspell and Niflheim two creatures were formed; a gargantuan frost giant, Ymir, and a huge cow, Andumla. Ymir drank some of Andumal’s milk and grew strong. After this development, the first giants sprung out of Ymir’s legs and armpits (Roberts). Then while Andumla was licking the salty ice, it uncovered the first god: Buri. He had a son by a giantess, Bestla. This son, Bor, fathered three sons with the giantess Bestla: Odin, Vili, and Ve (godchecker ink. ). These three got into a fight with Ymir, and managed to kill him; in the way all classic heroes kill monsters.Then, after hauling the frost giant’s body to the middle of Ginningagap, they created the world with him. Using his flesh for land, bones for mountains, and his blood for water. Ymir’s skull formed the vault of the sky. Still-glowing embers from Muspell were used for the sun, moon, and stars. The first tree was Yiggdrasil. It was supposed to support the entire universe. The nine realms were built off it. They then made the first man and woman out of trees, an ash and an elm that they had found washed up on the shore. From the ash and a tree trunk they made Ask, the first man.From the Elm they created the first woman, Embla. At the base of Yiggdrasil lived the three norns. These were the goddesses of destiny. They represent past, present and future, and spin everyone’s destiny. Urd works with past, Verdandi deals with the present, and Skuld decides the future. It was also their job to take care of Yiggdrasil. They watered the land as well as repaired any damage done to the tree. They were very different from the rest of the gods. They didn’t go around having love lives, and getting mixed up in feuds of all sorts of trouble. There is one thing that the norns cannot save Yiggdrasil from.At the end of the world, Ragnarok, the world tree itself will be destroyed. The Viking story of the end of the world is the end of the entire universe. Everyone except a few select gods and two humans perish. Before the great battle between the gods and the evil creatures, a dark age comes upon the earth. For three years it is a dark winter. In this time the world of men will be consumed in war with everyone fighting each other. Family ties are broken, and become friendships forgotten. These relationships are vastly important to Vikings. To have them be destroyed would seem very wrong to any Viking.To top it all off the sun, moon, and stars disappear, leaving the world in darkness. The land is shaken with terrible earthquakes, causing trees to uproot, and mountains to topple. These earthquakes also free the wolf, Fenrir, and his father, the trickster god Loki from their bonds. Fenrir was imprisoned when he grew too big, strong, and wild to be kept as a pet in Asgard. A magical ribbon was the only thing capable of restraining him. But before this, he bit off the hand of his trainer, Tyr. Loki was imprisoned when he was accused correctly of causing the death of Odin’s favorite son, Baldur.The earthquakes also anger the great Midgard Serpent deep in the ocean. The serpent will come on land, and spew its terribly poisonous venom everywhere. Along with these creatures, all of the other enemies of the gods, such as the giants and the demons of Muspell (led by Surt), will come together and attack the worlds of humans, and cross Bifrost to attack the gods. All of the gods will fight to defen d their realm, and that of the humans. However, even with all of their strength, they will fail. Fenrir kills Odin. But Vidar, one of Odin’s many sons, avenges Odin’s death.Thor is poisoned by the Midgard Serpent’s venom after killing it. Surt kills Freyr, because Freyr doesn’t have his sword. After killing Freyr, Surt catches the earth aflame, and burns it all up. Then what is left of the earth will sink beneath the sea. But that is not the end. Not of everything. Yiggdrasil still exists. In it’s branches, two humans, Lif and Lifthrasir (godchecker ink. ), were protected. Also Vidar, leading several other gods have survived. As well as these Baldr and Hod come back from the dead to help recreate earth, and rule the gods.The three most commonly worshiped gods were Frey(r), Odin, and Thor. In several instances statues of the three of them were found together, usually with Thor in the center, and Frey and Odin at his sides. These three covered most o f the needs of the Viking people, which include the needs of farmers, sailors, warriors, poets, and noblemen. It isn’t a surprise why these three were the main gods. As well as Frey, Thor, and Odin there were many other gods. In Norse mythology there are dozens of different gods, each playing a different role. Odin, for a while, was the head god.He is the god of war, revenge, wisdom, poetry, and magic. His belongings are Gungir, a spear that always hits its mark, and Draupnir, a magical gold ring that can duplicate itself. Dwarves made these items, as well as most of the god’s enchanted tools. He also had five animal allies: two ravens, Huginn (thought) and Munninn (memory), two wolves, Freki and Geri, as well as his eight-legged horse, Loki’s son, Sleipnir. He was a bit knowledge-hungry instead of the usual: power-hungry. Once upon a time, Odin gave one of his eyes to the Well of Mimir for the right to drink from the well.The Well bestowed great knowledge to hi m. This Well of Mimir lies at the base of Yiggdrasil. Another time he was said to have hung himself on Yiggdrasil for the right to know all about the runes, so he could teach man, and his gods to be literate and even more powerful. Nobles, warriors, poets and magic-users (magicians, seers, mystics†¦) commonly worshiped Odin. They all gave sacrifices to him. He was worshiped by the nobles because he himself was pretty much god royalty. Odin was also very interested in politics, and these worshippers hoped that he could help them in their thinking.The poets worshiped Odin, because he had drunk some of the poetry mead (alcoholic beverage). This made Odin very talented with his words. So they worshiped him to gain his knowledge of language. He was also a good muse, for those poets lacking inspiration. But if Odin were used as a muse, then of course Odin would be pleased, and help them with their skills. So worshipping Odin was helpful for many poets. Odin was very practiced in the art of magic. So it was thought to be beneficial for any user of magic to ask for his favor. Odin however, wasn’t the only god versed in magical arts.Any other gods who knew much about magic could be called upon. Odin was not the only option. Warriors gave sacrifices to Odin before battles, praying for victory. To gain his favor one would usually give sacrifices of either animals or humans (Roberts). But sometimes this wasn’t good enough. Odin usually got his warrior worshippers killed during battle. Many of these warriors were the dreaded berserkers, who either took a drug-like-substance or riled themselves up so that they fought like fierce animals. As you can see, he clearly had a very violent, brutal, and insane side.The beautiful Valkyries, Odin’s shield maidens, took these dead men away. The dead men were brought to Valhalla, Odin’s hall. There, the warriors fought battles with each other all day, then ate and caroused all night. Then they did it al l over again. Any wounds suffered were miraculously healed at the end of each battle. Odin is officially married to Frigg, but, like many other pagan gods, has many affairs with many other women. He had many children with goddesses and giantesses of all sorts. His most well known children are: Baldr, Thor, Heimdal, Ty, Hod, Vidar, and Valdi.The god who was worshiped the most overall was Thor. This was because he was so easy to relate to, since his talents were those that most people wanted supporting them. He was a fabulous warrior, but he was also the god of farming and storm (and therefore was the weather) god. So he was worshiped by all of the common people: farmers and seamen. Because Thor became really popular in the ninth and tenth centuries, he was the chief rival of Christ, when the Christians were trying to convert all of the Vikings. This was one of the reasons it took so long to convert all of the Vikings.Thor also had some special items that helped him out in battle. His hammer, Mjolnir, iron belt and gauntlet gloves. The hammer never missed its target, and always returns to Thor after it has been thrown, like a boomerang. The iron belt gives Thor the strength needed to throw the heavy hammer; and the gloves give him the strength in his wrists to catch the hammer when it returns to him. Thor was very prepared for physical combat. Hammer amulets (representing Thor) were widely popular throughout Scandinavia. Scads of them have been found in archeological digs. This proves how beloved by the Vikings he was.Also, in later years of the Viking period, during Thor’s â€Å"prime†, he was at the center of monuments, bearing images of him, Odin, as well as Frey. One of the best things about Thor, at least in the minds of the Viking people, is that there were never human sacrifices given to him. At least there were never any records hinting at it. He was a kind god, and protected his people in all of the myths about him. Sacrifices of animals a nd valuable objects (weapons, jewelry, especially fancy tools) were given to him in times of danger from famine or plague. This proves the people’s trust in his kindheartedness. The third most popular god was Frey.He was the god of fertility. Actually the only know male god of fertility. Sacrifices were made to him at weddings to promote the fertility of the couple. Being a god of fertility also made him the â€Å"ecology god†, which made him god of meadows, farming, fisheries, and food in general. Since his father is Niord, the sea god, Frey has some power over the sea as well. Because of this position, he became the god of ship builders too. His magically special object is a ship. It can shrink and be folded up so that he can carry it around in his pocket. But still be large enough, when unfolded, to carry all of the gods.Frey is associated with ship funerals. Wealthier worshippers of Frey would be buried on land in ships filled with typical loot, which was a type of tcommon Viking burial. He was forced to give away his sword in the long arduous process of wooing his beautiful giantess wife, Gerd. So, worshippers of Frey don’t carry swords to honor and respect him. As well as not tolerating swords, outlaws of any kind are not permitted in his presence. Frey had a twin sister: Freya, who was the most widely celebrated of all the pagan goddesses. She is at the center of many myths. She was, like her brother, a goddess of fertility.She was also a goddess of magic known as Sied (Wolf, 151), love, and the leader of the Valkyries. She was married to Od (who might have been a version of Odin), but he left her for another. She was sad, as she had truly loved him, but was strong enough to move on easily. She had rather loose morals, and â€Å"slept around† quite a bit. Using her sexual prowess she was able to get the necklace of sensuality from the four dwarves who had made it. As well as being the head of the Valkyries, she was the head o f the Thedisir, a group of goddesses who are attached to a particular place, or type of object.This made her closely connected with guardian spirits otherwise known as fylgjur. These spirits protect certain special places, such as places of natural beauty, and the homes of their worshippers. Bragi is the god who recites poetry. He is the god of all bards and storytellers. He loves to learn, and promotes others to do likewise. His wife, Idun grows the fruit of immortality: golden apples. The laboring god, Weyland is a blacksmith. He is the God of experience, and a master craftsman. He was created because the people of Iceland wanted a god that wasn’t warlike, and who was actually a useful person. (Meadows) Weyland was that god.The god of justice and law was Tyr. He was a loyal man, and fought for his leader, usually Odin. He looses a hand to Fenrir because he trusts him. This shows his ability to blindly trust, and think the best of people. That was his best trait. Though when he did learn something foul about someone, they’d better beware because one-handed or not, he is a valiant warrior. Heimdall was the guardian of the rainbow bridge, Bifrost. He had a special horn to sound, warning the other gods, when he saw Surt’s great army approaching, announcing that the great battle of Ragnarok was to commence. He is the son of Odin and the nine wave sisters.Odin’s official wife, Frigg was the mother of all, protector of children, and associated with child bearing and the home. She has a sacred â€Å"Distaff of life† that she uses to spin for the â€Å"Fabric of the Universe†. She has the power to see into the future, and is the best of all the gods in this area. Loki is the trickster god. He was both a friend and an enemy to the gods. He is always stirring up trouble. He is the parent of many of the great monsters. As an outcome of his affair with Angrbodi (a beautiful giantess) he fathered the death goddess, Hel, the monste rous wolf, Fenrir, and the midgard serpent.His only legitimate offspring was Narfi, his son. Narfi doesn’t play a very large role. When he transformed into a mare, as part of a plan to save Freya, he begot Odin’s mount, Sleipnir One time Loki got into too much trouble. When he tricked the blind Hod into killing his beautiful brother Baldyr (sons of Odin), it was decided that he had gone too far. Because of his numerous crimes, he was tied up with Narfi’s guts, and imprisoned in a cave with only his wife to ease his suffering, until Ragnarok, when he rides with Surt to destroy the gods. As the Daughter of Loki, Hel had a lot to live up to.In anticipation of her evil tendencies, Odin sent her to Niflheim, and made her the goddess of the underworld, and the dead. She doesn’t like it down there very much, and resents Odin for this. To get back at him she also joins her father and Surt for Ragnarok. Surt was â€Å"The Destroyer†. He is the leader of the fire demons, and is a key player in the final battle of Ragnarok. He miraculously survives Ragnarok, so that he can do it all over next time round. No one was said to worship him. He was the closest thing to Christianity’s Lucifer. The Vikings had to have places to worship, or not worship in some cases like Surt.Most of the Vikings worshiped outside. In holy groves and meadows that had rocks, small hills, and swamps where they placed their offerings. These places were sometimes specific for gods, but most of the time the places were just general places of worship. As well as these outdoor places of worship there were also in-town places such as holy rocks, wells and other objects. In different places, at certain times worshippers had festivals to celebrate the gods. One such festival was held every nine years. Nine men, as well as nine each of different sorts of animals (all male) were sacrificed.Their blood was presented to an idol, and their bodies were strung up in a near by sacred grove. Sacrifices that were given to the gods were mostly animals such as dogs, horses, and farm animals. They were thrown into rivers, tossed off cliffs, and hung on trees in sacred groves for their blood to drain out into the holy ground. Human sacrifices were made sometimes. It was not an every-day occasion. Only for special occasions such as a festival, when a god’s help was especially needed, or when there was another important event, such as the death of an important man.There were often temples for the gods in Viking villages. The local chieftain or leader maintained each temple. The heads of the other main households always aided them. A classic example of a Viking funeral is this: the body is cleaned, dressed with normal clothing, and buried in the ground with items the person might need in the afterlife. Such as food, drink, weapons, tools, and other such things. There would often be dead animals such as horses, dogs, chickens, and sometimes their wife/ser vant/slave. Often times the dead would be set in an underground room in a bed with all of their belongings around them.Some Vikings believed that the spirit lived on as a ghost. Either in the underground tomb their body was left in, in a special haunted hill with the rest of the family, or close to their family as a protector. The alternate funeral would be to burn the body. This was especially common for Odin’s worshippers, and people in general who died in battle, so that they would be sent straight up to Valhalla, and to that fabulous hall of fallen warriors. The Vikings weren’t all that different from any other polytheistic religion of the time. Most of their gods represented desirable human qualities; just like the Greek/Roman gods.They had a creation story, and a destruction story (apocalypse). They bury and burn their dead; just like we do today. The Vikings also believed in a sort of heaven, and in ghosts. Their religion isn’t all that different from any other. They aren’t barbaric pagans; they weren’t the only culture to sacrifice humans and animals to their gods. They Viking religion is similar to other religions, but at the same time it has it’s own mythology and myths that are very unique. The Norse religion is just a religion, with its special characteristics that have transferred from the Viking way of life over into their religion.They needed strong, warlike gods because during the age of Vikings there was a lot of fighting going on. The Vikings made their gods able to defend them form the other evils in the world; ones that the Vikings couldn’t take care of without help. Like any other people would have if they lived in the same conditions. The Christian God of the day would smite badly behaved people, and sent them to hell. The Crusades, that the whole of Christian Europe was involved in, was all about fighting. Norse mythology and religion had their Gods constantly fighting he giants and monste rs; it was a way the Vikings expressed their part in all of the violence.Bibliography: Godchecker Ink. â€Å"Viking Gods of Norse Mythology. † www. godchecker. com, January 31, 2010 < http://www. godchecker. com/pantheon/norse-mythology. php >. This resource was mostly helpful. It was a good reference point. Its facts were all very straightforward, and it had information about almost all of the places and people mentioned in Norse mythology. The one problem with the site is that it was written in a very modern style. With innuendoes, and annoying, uneducated slang and inferior language. I used it only to reference my other sources.Jovinelly, Joan, and Netelkos, Jason. The crafts and culture of the Vikings. New York, Ny: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 2002. Most of this book was craft projects for children. But in the page or two of information about Viking religion, I was told about the most important aspects of Viking religion. Which was very important for the organi zation of my paper. It also had all of the things that I knew that had to be in my paper. I don’t want to be less informative than a children’s book.Meadows, Edmund. â€Å"The Pre Ragnarok Viking Gods. www. viking-z. org, January 31, 2010 < http://www. viking-z. org/vikg. html >. This source was a bit overwhelming. It had a lot of information that I used, but a lot of things mixed in that either was a bit too deep, or that were about actually practicing the Viking religion. So I was forced to look through it all, and pick out the things that were relevant to my paper. But on the bright side, the information I found was very good, and it helped me a great deal with my research.Roberts, Judson. â€Å"Myth and Religion. † www. strongbowsaga. com, date accessed lt;http://www. strongbowsaga. com/introduction. asp>. This essay I found on the strongbow saga website was very useful. It had important information on all of the topics I planned to cover in the co urse of my paper. There was a detailed account on all of the main gods and supernatural beings. As well as information on the worship practices of the Vikings. There was also, included in the manuscript, the best description I could find on the creation of the earth story. With a decent telling of the end of the world.Simpson, Jacqueline. Everyday Life In The Viking Age. London, England: Jarrold and Sons Ltd, 1967. This resource was very similar to Daily Life of the Vikings. It had a lot of the same information. The main difference was that it was older and contained pictures relating to the gods, or rites described in the passage. But it, as was the former, was very useful, and had a lot of information. Including a shocking account of a Viking funeral. That was one of the best things about these two books. They had passages from the journals of people who had witnessed Viking religious rites. It was good to get first hand accounts.Wolf, Kirsten. Daily Life of The Vikings. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004. This book was exceedingly helpful. It gave me a lot of invaluable information on subjects the other sources hardly touched on. Such as the sources for all of the knowledge we have of Viking religion today. It also tells about each of the important gods, and Viking practices involving worship, funerals, and the dead. It turns out that the Vikings were very superstitious of their dead people. It was very entertaining to read about.Unknown. â€Å"Meet the Gods and Goddesses of the Norse Pantheon. www. wizardrealm. com, Janurary 31, 2010 < http://www. wizardrealm. com/norse/gods. html >. This went into a lot of detail about each and every one of the known Norse gods. It was very useful in the portion of my report where I was talking about all of the important Viking gods. But sadly, it wasn’t very special, and didn’t tell me anything that I couldn’t have gotten from another of my resources. The best thing I can say about it is that is condensed the information about each god nicely. But there always has to be one (or two) of those.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Precocious Puberty

The difference between Precocious Puberty and puberty itself is Precocious Puberty is normally found in children between the ages 8 and 11. While puberty normally does not hit children till around age 11-14. The Mayo Clinic best describes Precocious Puberty as: â€Å"Precocious Puberty is when the body changes from that of a child into an adult. It includes rapid growth of bones, teeth and muscles; changes in body shape and size; and development of the body's ability to reproduce. Precocious Puberty normally begins in girls between ages 8 and 12 and in boys between ages 9 and 14.The cause of precocious puberty often cannot be found. † Rarely, conditions such as infections, hormone disorders, tumors, brain abnormalities or injuries may cause precocious puberty. Treatment for precocious puberty typically includes medication to delay further development. There are 5 different types of Precocious Puberty. Gonadotropin-dependent precocious puberty is very common and affects mostly girls and half of the boys. This is a disorder which is triggered by premature secretion of puberty controlling hormones or higher levels of gonadotropins.Gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty mostly affects boys with low gonadotropin levels. Central precocious puberty is not triggered by any underlying reason. It is merely a body response to changes that concern the central nervous system. Isosexual precocious puberty causes the sign of femininity in girls and masculinity in boys. Heterosexual precocious puberty is just opposite of Isosexual precocious puberty which brings the sign of femininity in boys whereas masculinity in girls. Early onset of puberty can cause several problems.The early growth spurt initially can cause tall stature, but rapid bone maturation can cause linear growth to cease too early and can result in short adult stature. Most children, boys and girls alike that have Precocious Puberty end up being less than 5 feet tall. According to Kids Health (1995) t here are signs to be on the lookout for. For instance, â€Å"in girls the telltale signs of precocious puberty include any of the following before 7 or 8 years of age include: breast development, pubic or underarm hair development, rapid height growth, and onset of menstruation.In boys, the signs of precocious puberty before 9 years of age include: enlargement of the testicles or penis, pubic, underarm, or facial hair development, rapid height growth — a growth â€Å"spurt†, and voice deepening. † Both girls and boys will have an onset of acne and adult mature body odor. An 8 year old child having such things causes problems for that child. It’s always difficult to be different, and maturing into an adult-looking body earlier than your peers puts a lot of pressure on children. A child I know, Roberta, is only 7 years old and has Central Precocious Puberty.The mental affects it has on Roberta is outrageous; she is a second grader having to deal with wearin g sanitary napkins, the â€Å"smell† associated with periods, the self-image problems of already growing breast, among many more issues. This can really wear on a child, especially one that is so young. Roberta is finding it hard to maintain her friends, once they find out about her already having periods their mom’s want them to not be friends anymore. One little girl had been friends with Roberta since Preschool then the mom found out that Roberta was wearing sanitary napkins and told her daughter she could not be friends with Roberta anymore.Roberta’s mom went to talk to this lady, and her response was, she was not ready to have â€Å"the talk† with her daughter yet. It was better they not be friends to prevent Roberta from telling her daughter anything. It is more difficult for girls than boys. Girls have undeniable signs that are visible to everyone. Boys can hide their growing penis and chest hair from their friends, the only thing they cannot hide is their facial hair if that is coming in early. Both boys and girls can have a tough time when they go through pubertal changes.Children who go through the changes at the age of 8-11 while their friends do not hit puberty till 11-14, makes it even harder for those early bloomers to cope. Children with Precocious Puberty may be stressed because of physical and hormonal changes; they are just too young to understand all the changes their body is making. These children will be teased and may end up having body image or self-esteem problems. Girls who reach menarche before age 9-10 may become withdrawn and may have difficulty adjusting to wearing and changing sanitary napkins.Roberta has had problems adjusting to wearing the sanitary napkins and she wants to make sure no one can see them from her pants. It is very confusing and traumatizing for her. Both sexes, boys more often than girls, may have increases in libido leading to increased masturbation or inappropriate sexual behaviors a t a young age. Girls with a history of early puberty have a slightly earlier age of initiation of sexual activity. Some girls with Precocious Puberty enter the dating scene much earlier than their classmates.Early-maturing girls may also have behavior problems and a greater risk for substance abuse and suicide. The best thing for the children struggling through precocious puberty is for someone to be there for them, listen to them, encourage them, let them know there are others who are just like them, and what they are going through is normal. It may not normal for their age, but normal none the less. All children go through adolescences. Those with Precocious Puberty are just going through adolescences sooner. In order to diagnose Precocious Puberty the doctor will perform a work up on the child.The doctor normally begins by reviewing the medical history of the family, doing a physical exam, reviewing blood work to measure hormone levels, and taking x-rays of the child’s han d and wrist to determine bone age. When diagnosing a child with Precocious Puberty, a doctor will look at the Tanner Stages to determine where the child is at. Tanner Stages is a system that was developed in 1969 it grew out of a two-decade-long study of girls as they transitioned through puberty. â€Å"The Tanner staging system is named after Dr. James Tanner, who was a British pediatrician.He performed a longitudinal study in which the subjects were observed repeatedly over a period of time in the same context. † (Dr. Greenspan 2006) In an experiment; the girls underwent examinations and photographs every three months. Dr. Tanner and his research group studied the progress and developed the 5 Tanner Stages that we use today. The Tanner Stages deal with both breast and genital development. Roberta (the afore mentioned child) has a Breast Tanner Stage 3 and a Pubic Hair Tanner Stage of 4; this happens more times than not for girls to be more advanced in one area over the othe r.She is biologically age 7 but her bone age is 11. Girls will have Tanner Stages numbered 1-5; childhood through adulthood. Boys will have only one Tanner Stage, Tanner Stages numbered 1-5; childhood through adulthood. According to the Mayo Clinic (1998) there is treatment for Precocious Puberty. The children can receive a treatment called Gn-RH analogue therapy, usually includes a monthly injection of a medication, such as leuprolide, which stops the HPG axis and delays further development. The child continues to receive this medication until he or she reaches the normal age of puberty.Once he or she stops receiving the medication, the process of puberty begins again. The goal of treatment for Precocious Puberty is to stop puberty from progressing so the child can have a normal healthy childhood. Treatment will also depend on the type of Precocious Puberty and the underlying cause, if known. According to Health of Children, there are several drugs that have been developed for trea tment: histerlin, nafarelin, synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, deslorelin, ethylamide, triptorelin, and leuprolide.If parents opt to have treatment, there is some after care that is required. The child will have follow up visits every 3-6 months to ensure that progression of puberty has been slowed or halted altogether. Normalization of accelerated growth, reduction in size of breasts and suppression of gonadotropin levels after receiving Gn-RH. Monitor bone age yearly to confirm that the rapid advancement seen in the untreated state has slowed typically to a half year of bone age per year or less.If parents opt to not have treatment, the child might need therapy to help with self-esteem issues, high anxiety, irritability or even withdrawal. Some studies have shown that not treating children has no effect on them at all with the exception to early adolescences. The best thing a parent can do is to discuss the ends and outs with the Endocrinologist about which treatme nt if any will be best for their child. Precocious Puberty is something a child can live with. Most importantly, there is help out there if they want it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate Social Responsibilities - Essay Example Through a commitment to CSR, organisations play a role in solving economic, social and environmental problems. On the other hand, the internal forces that can contribute to CRS include pressure from shareholders and employees (Alessia et al. 2009). While, external forces contributing to CRS in organisations include consumer demand, government policies, technological advancement and social activism. In the contemporary business environment, the reputation or image of firms depends on the disclosure of their activities to the public. In this regard, CSR reports made available to the public allows internal and external stakeholders to examine the contribution of firms towards CSR activities. The growing consumer awareness has also increased pressure on corporations to publish annual CSR reports (Obserseder et al., 2014). These reports mainly focus on how firms are dealing with societal concerns regarding environmental pollution, climate change and resource depletion. Conversely, while t here is debate concerning the importance of corporate self-reporting, the emergence of international guidelines and standards suggests that consumers are increasingly basing their purchase decisions on such information (Alessia et al. 2009). This paper examines corporate social responsibilities report of three companies that include BMW, Adidas and Shell. In the modern business environment, CSR reports are important because they help to enhance the image of firms in the public domain. Through these reports, firms are in a position to highlight on their business activities. Since the consumers are becoming aware regarding sustainable development, it is in the interest of companies to disclose their CSR activities. Such activities may include, for instance, community initiatives, safety at the workplace, stakeholder engagement, corporate governance and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Whaterbury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Whaterbury - Essay Example Among the objectives is to improve the access to comprehensive and high quality health care services to the community. Therefore, the hospital embarks on increasing the number of patients under the insurance scheme to enhance affordable services. In addition, they aim at increasing the number of health workers and supporting other healthcare providers (Waterbury Hospital 3). Another objective is to reduce drug abuse users and improve their mental health. It is to be achieved through enrolling many patients with mental disorders into treatment, increasing primary health care providers, and creating awareness among the community. Reduction of chronic diseases and promoting good health to the community is another objective. The Waterbury Hospital aims at increasing education on nutrition, health counseling, and expanding the program on physical fitness. However, the hospital has a goal of reducing death, illness, and disability associated with the use of tobacco. To achieve this, there will be screening and education to patients who are smokers before discharge from the hospital (Waterbury Hospital 7). The hospital also will support and participate in the ‘American Lung Foundation’ in creating awareness. Waterbury Hospital, therefore, aims and prioritize at addressing the four community health care needs in order to achieve its mission. Waterbury Hospital: CHNA Implementation Strategy 2013. Web. 19 March. 2015

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prison Overcrowding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Prison Overcrowding - Research Paper Example Generally, prison overcrowding is not a modern phenomenon because internal insurgencies and wars result in prison overcrowding. But in the modern context, several factors (say, apart from internal insurgencies and wars) force prisons to face the problem of overcrowding. Some people consider that prison overcrowding is deeply rooted in the functioning of the criminal justice system. But some others consider that prison overcrowding reflects the change in governance within the context of the Criminal Justice System. Still, one can see the modern concept of prison privatization curbs the development of the prison system because the government is no longer the protector of the prison system in general. Thesis statement: The research on prison overcrowding proves that the factors like privatization, less capacity of prisons, increase in crime rate, increase in incarceration, ineffective Criminal Justice System, and ineffective planning result in prison overcrowding. First of all, private prisons are entirely different from government prisons because the former is based upon contractual agreements with different government agencies and the latter is under the direct control of the government. This basic difference is exploited by the private prisons because profit (say, based upon the funding from the government) is the ultimate aim. In the beginning, private agencies were allowed to undertake some services related to the prison system like transportation and serving food. During the era of disinvestment, private prisons became popular in the US and UK. Gradually, other developed nations followed this path and private prisons began to flourish in different nations.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Undertaking the Analysis of a House and a Unit Essay - 1

Undertaking the Analysis of a House and a Unit - Essay Example Clayton is located at the middle of Liverpool City Centre. The house consists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and has got a garage and is pet friendly as the unit discussed above. The furniture is not sold together with the house and the person interested should incur extra costs to buy furniture or to pay for those which he or she will get in the house. Anyone wishing to rent the house should as well pay the house deposit together with the rent for the month of entry into the house. The house is spacious and comfortable and is close to the Clayton Station as it takes less than five minutes to reach the station from the house (Jeanette, 2012). There are essentials which have to be considered when it comes to the inspection of a house or a unit that one may want to purchase or rent. Some of them are the details of how the house has been constructed or built, the coverings of the floor and the walls, and finally the convenience of the house setting. However, the process of inspection starts with inspecting the overall appearance of the house or the unit. This means that a person has to identify the location of the house, whether the location is strategic and safe. One has to look at the houses of similar or almost the same age so as to see the difference or the similarity that these houses have. This will help in determining the best kind of houses and that which is according to the standards that one wants to buy or rent from. The general inspection of the house will help the client come up with an idea of how they can be come up with ways of ensuring cleanliness and tidiness within and outside the house (Koulizos, 2012). After the inspection has been done on the nature of the hose and the unit, the client would look at the exterior front of that particular house. This is done in order to have a complete view of the house on each face of that house. This will help in

Implementing the Risk Management Process in New Kitchen Heaven Retail Essay

Implementing the Risk Management Process in New Kitchen Heaven Retail Store - Essay Example The intention of this study is risk as the probability that a chosen action or activity including the choice of inaction might result into a loss or undesirable outcome. This implies that a choice has an element of influence on the outcome. Risk management process is therefore the systematic application of the policies, methods and practices of management to the tasks of establishing the context, analyzing, evaluating, monitoring, treating and finally reviewing the inherent risks. Risk management process is therefore an ongoing process that aids in identifying potential problems that could emerge when new projects are undertaken within a business. A solid risk management process facilitates the smooth running of a project. By identifying and addressing a list of project risks which are also part of the larger project or business management system, many disclosures and roadblocks are eliminated. Consequently the risk management process is an essential factor that should be considered in an organization so as to enable its business to effectively run. It ensures that a well structured a framework for more effective strategic planning to enable maximization of opportunities and minimization off losses is put. It equally promotes greater openness in decision making and improves communication in an organization as well as providing an effective and systematic approach which enhances the management focus on areas of risk concentration in their operations. Moreover, risk management widens the management’s perspective and encourages initiative and proactive behavior that improve the level of accountability in an organization. Identifying the Risk Factors Considering the compilation lists of the NKHRS project risks, it is realized that the major risks are concentrated in three sections, that is, in areas of Information Technology, Facilities and Retail. In the area of Information Technology there is the risk of getting a professional contractor to install the Eth ernet so as to enable effective operations. Similarly, there is the risk of getting the Point of Sale and server hardware in time for the smooth operations .In the area of facilities it is noted that there is a risk in obtaining the right and desirable location bearing the right price range This location might as well be risky in terms of the availability of the goods and the products accessibility to the consumers. In this case a plan should be developed to decide on whether to find the right location for a high producing store to avoid great loss in sales or to consider a different alternative that can generate good profits (Culp, 2006). Consequently, in the Retail category there is the risk of the availability of the products at the right time to the customers and that the shipment date for the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Complete a project based on your choice of an investment portfolio Essay

Complete a project based on your choice of an investment portfolio - Essay Example In addition to this, it helps to identify the risk associated with each of the financial assets. Risk involved in portfolio investment is directly linked with the value. The willingness of an individual make investment or avoid risk is the most important factor for portfolio investment (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The investment portfolio has to be made in such a manner that maximum return can be earned from financial assets. The investment portfolio has been based from Monday 2nd March 2015 to Monday 6th April 2015. The major aim of investment in financial assets is to earn return and maximise profitability. Moreover, portfolio investment is considered to be the safest mean of earning income. The total amount fixed for portfolio investment is  £100,000 (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The paper analyses current market trend and the risk involved with each of the financial assets that has the potential to prevent investments. Apart from risk other factors that have the potential to affect investment in financial assets include the amount invested and the expected length for which an individual holds different financial assets. The time horizon defines the time period between the investment in financial assets and receiving the return from it. The time length is considered to be the crucial factor in portfolio investment, because it directly affects the ability of investors to minimise the overall risk involved. The paper analyses the financial market according to the data of London stock exchange and identifies the assets from which the borrower can achieve maximum return with respect to the risk involved. Investment theory focuses on the process of decision making associated with selecting the appropriate financial assets for investment that in turn has the potential to maximise the overall return earned. Investment theory defines the relation between the risk involved in investment and overall return from the financial assets. Investment in financial

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Successful leaders not limited by limited by leadership styles Assignment

Successful leaders not limited by limited by leadership styles - Assignment Example Second, there is power centralization if the subordinates lack experience, knowledge or skills to make specified decisions. However, this style is becoming rare because employees are more knowledgeable than before. Finally, subordinates can be indiscipline and insensitive in making decisions, and since some decisions are so sensitive in time and value, the competent leader has to make them. Free-rein leadership style is a kind of leadership where there is complete delegation. Unlike autocratic leadership, here there is power decentralization to the subordinates. Such leadership is in operation in Google where every employee is a leader. With such leadership style, there is full utilization of subordinates as well as job satisfaction. However, it is dangerous if the employees fail to consult because sometimes their actions result into chaos. The main reasons for Google to adopt this style are; first, most of the employees in Google are the best. They have all what is required for doing their jobs perfectly. Since there is confidence in the skilled employees, they have, free in style fits the organization. Second, Google employees are goal oriented and willing to assume responsibilities. Companies that advocates for accountability stand a chance in using free rein leadership. Finally, employee participation in decision-making improves their morale. Morale and job satisfaction are points of concern in Google because they believe self-motivated employees give their best. Despite the different leadership styles adopted by most successful leaders, they all share some things. Successful leaders are the best decision makers. Leadership is a behavior learned within time through the different encounters and experiences one comes across. Leaders who have had some experience in decision-making make the best decisions because they

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Identify the Impact of Pathophysiology, Psychology and Sociology in Essay

Identify the Impact of Pathophysiology, Psychology and Sociology in Determining the Physical and Mental Health Status of the Ind - Essay Example 47). As a common knowledge, Alzheimer’s disease is hereditary. The fact that Lucinda’s grandfather had dementia increases her risks of developing the same illness. With this in mind, Lucinda’s changes in her behaviour such as depression including her difficulty in following conversations, and the feeling of excessive tiredness can be explained by the psychosocial impact of having an Alzheimer’s disease. The role of psychotherapists is to allow newly diagnosed individuals to effectively deal with their negative feelings whereas the social workers are trained to help patients with Alzheimer’s disease deal with their social problems with their family members, at work, or within the community (Thompson and Bass, 2009). In most cases, psychotherapy can be used to initially diagnose the level of Lucinda’s depression. By referring her to a psychotherapist as one of the clinical interventions for her case, Lucinda and her partner may find it easier t o accept and deal with the agitation, anxiety, and depression this couple is going through after knowing that Lucinda is at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Lucinda is having difficulty trying to remember the names of people she worked with every day. For this reason, there is an increased risk wherein Lucinda might end up isolating herself from other people. To avoid making herself or other people feel bad, she made it a habit to cover up some of these occasions from her friends and family members in order to save face. However, the patient should be informed that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease (Lu and Bludau, 2011, p. 60). To make it easier for the patient to deal with cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional changes, Lucinda should receive psychological and social intervention to make her understand and be emotionally prepared for other serious physical and mental health changes as the Alzheimer’s diseases progresses to a more advance sta ge. To identify the presence of brain damage, either MRI or PET scan can be used. In general, the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the presence of plaques and tangles in the brain. Common among the aging individuals, the presence of ?-amyloid plagues, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), and the neuronal cell death are among the main factors that can cause the patients to undergo a neurodegenerative process (Kumer et al., 2010, pp. 1313 – 1317; Jackson-Siegal, 2005). Although these substances can also be found among elderly patients without Alzheimer’s disease, Jackson-Siegal (2005) explained that one of the most unique feature of Alzheimer’s disease is that these plagues and tangles are localized in the brain in parallel to the clinical symptoms. With regards to familial Alzheimer’s disease, mutations on chromosomes 21, 19, 14, 12, and 1 is responsible for these changes (Barlow and Durand, 2012, p. 546; Cummings et al., 1998). Even though Lucinda is experiencing episodes of worsening and frequent forgetfulness, confusion, and difficulty to remember names of people she worked each day; the fact that she can still recognize her partner strongly suggest that she is having a mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (Jackson-Siegal, 2005). In general, the entorhinal cortex is connected to the hippocampus – responsible for our memory formation, and the cerebral cortex. In the case of Lucinda, her memory loss or the short-term recall can be explained by the presence

Monday, July 22, 2019

Health Promotion Essay Example for Free

Health Promotion Essay This essay will begin by discussing the different definitions of health that have been put forward, and will also discuss the necessity of health promoters to be able to understand why there are differing definitions of health and the importance of the difference in our understanding of what health means to the individual. There have been many definitions of health, which include phrases such as ‘absence of disease’, and ‘ability to cope’. The World Health Organisation (WHO) (1946) gave its definition of health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. However, it is very difficult to define health due to its complexity and broadness. Health and well-being can be described as the absence of physical illness, disease and mental distress. This is a negative definition of health and well-being, as it is impossible for a person to free from illness or disease. Health and well-being can also be described as the achievement and maintenance of physical fitness and mental stability. This is a positive definition of health and well-being or health and well-being as being a result of a combination of physical, social, intellectual and emotional factors. Stimson and Webb (1975) carried out research which suggested that people have their own private comments on their own ill health, compared to what they chose to tell their doctors. The research indicated that people did not always believe or accept the medical explanation given for their illness. The study suggests people hold their own views and hold their own explanations for ill health. (Doyal. L. at el. (1991) A Theory of Human Need. London. Macmillan) Health promoters have to collect a significant amount of information before they can put out a campaign on a particular disease. They have to look at health models and their approaches and even statistical information from CENSUS reports, death certificates, survey’s, and even General Practitioner (GP) records and so on. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defined health promotion as ‘enabling people to gain control over their lives’ (WHO 1986). There are four approaches to take in to consideration before putting together a health promotion campaign, and they are: The medical approach: this focuses on activity which aims to reduce morbidity and premature morbidity. Activity is targeted towards whole populations of high-risk groups. This kind of health promotion seeks to increase medical interventions which will prevent ill health and premature death. The medical approach is conceptualised around the absence of disease. It does not seek to promote positive health, for example ‘Smoking advertisement’, smoking adverts only advertise damage the body will develop through regular inhalation of tobacco. This kind of promotion can be criticised for ignoring the social and environmental dimensions of health. In addition, the medical approach encourages dependency on medical knowledge and removes health decisions from people concerned. The medical approach also relies on having an infrastructure capable of delivering screening or an immunisation programme. This includes trained personnel, equipment, laboratory facilities, and information systems which determine who is eligible for the procedure and record uptake rates. And in the case of immunisation, a vaccine which is effective and safe. The educational approach: the purpose of this approach is to provide knowledge and information, and to develop the necessary skills so that people can make their own informed choice regarding their health behaviour. The educational approach should be distinguished from a behaviour change approach, and that it does not set out to persuade or motivate change in a particular direction. However, this will be the service user’s voluntary choice, and it may not be the one the health promoter would prefer. The educational approach is based on a set of assumptions about the relationship between knowledge and behaviour: that by increasing knowledge, there will be a change in attitudes which may lead to a change in behaviour towards a healthier lifestyle. To provide educational information to clients regarding health and well-being, provisions would have to be put in place, through the following resources: leaflets, booklets, visual displays or one-to-one advice with their own GP. By providing these sources this may provide opportunities for people to share and explore their own attitudes towards health education. Empowerment: This approach helps people to identify their own concerns and gain the skills and confidence and for the person to act upon them. Social change: this approach recognises the importance of social-economic environment’s in determining health. Its focus is at the policy or environmental level, and the aim is to bring about changes in the physical, social and economic environment which will have the effect of promoting health. This approach will also look at social class, the promoter will take in to consideration people’s gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, working, unemployed and so on. Basically the social approach will look at theories that are linked to social class and determine whether or not, that poverty and low social class are the reasons for high mortality rates linked to a specific disease. This is when the promoter will now go away and put together his/her campaign. The Acheson Report (1998) shows that there is an existence of health inequalities and their association to social class, in this report there is data, even though there is a down fall in mortality, the superior classes take in to account more rapid mortality deterioration. Also The Black Report (1980) shows that there are higher levels of poverty in the lower class and higher death rates due to ill health, the higher social class live in a more advanced area which is much more suitable for living conditions, but in contrast to that, people who live in a higher class seem to live in the centre of a city which is much more prone to pollution. LO2 Whether we come from poverty, working class or a higher class background, there are many health influences all around us, for example the environment we live in can influence our health; for instance, living with a partner who is controlling can impact on the stability of mental health, living in a city centre can influence poor health due to pollution (inhalation of fumes from motor vehicles and fuel plants). Although living in a higher class society can have a positive effect on better healthcare, there are still factors of negative influences on health and well-being. Smoking, eating the wrong types of food, lack of exercise, no socialisation, alcohol, misuse of drugs, all these things can have an enormous negative effect on our health and well-being. However eating the correct foods (5 ADAY) and consuming the correct portion size as well as combining at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day can have a great deal of positive’s upon our lifestyle. For instance exercise is good for the brain as well as the body. According to NHS Choices (2013) ‘by eating five portions of fruit or vegetables and just 30 minutes of activity a day, will increase the secretion of Serotonin within our brains’. Serotonin is a hormone found in the brain, it influences our mood, sexual function, appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, and some social behaviour. So we could say the more Serotonin we produce the healthier the brain becomes, which results in a happier you. LO3 For the third and final part of this essay I am going to talk about the political side of health promotion within the UK and take a look across the globe at other parts of the world. Health Promotion is everywhere we look, especially in the media. We see it every day in the news whether it be on the television or in the newspapers. Health Promoters plan and develop ways to help people to change their eating and exercise habits to improve their way of life. There are lots of Health Promoters today that campaign against unhealthy living. Health Promoters give you guidance to a healthier lifestyle whether it is help with eating habits, smoking, alcohol intake, oral health, physical activity and mental health. Each and every one of us will indulge ourselves in to a habit and put ourselves at risk of chronic diseases at some point in our lives. According to Dr Robert Beaglehole (2011) â€Å"The real tragedy is that more hasn’t been done to avoid this epidemic, as overweight and obesity, and their related chronic diseases, are largely preventable†. Approximately 80% of heart disease, stroke, type 2 Diabetes, and 40% of cancer could be avoided through healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoidance of tobacco use. † This is why Health Promotional campaigns are important, as it gives us a better outlook on life and can also expand our lives too (Huffington Post) 2011. Health promotion is an important element of the governments health agenda. On forming a new government, the new labour set public health policies in line with its health agenda. Out of this rose a new white paper Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation, which sets ambitious targets for life expectancy to be increased, and inequalities in health to be reduced. The Labour Government plan to achieve this through its public health policy in a third way (Connelly 1999). ‘Labours policies are aimed at strengthening communities, and encouraging individuals to seize opportunities and take responsibility for their action’. The Government hopes to improve the health of individuals by reducing health inequalities through health promotion. By doing so the Government will look at a range of different sources of information before they decide the need of a health promotion campaign. The Government have their own facilities to obtain information such as up to date statistical evidence via the website www. direct. gov/statistics . They can also obtain information from Registry Offices, such as marriage certificates, death certificates and birth certificates. By doing so, the Government will acquire accurate results to continue lobbying the new health promotion campaign needed to address the UK to improve quality of life. Before the campaign can be given the go ahead to become a final document, the Government have to look for ethical errors. For instance is the health promotion campaign fair to all people who are involved, meaning, does the campaign aim its information at all service users or is it aimed at a particular generation, gender, culture and so on. For a health care promotion to be respected it has to be aimed at everyone regardless of the persons background. By involving all service users, promoters can eliminate discrimination and visually display that equality and diversity are no longer an issue within our society especially in the health care sector.

Single Party States Notes Essay Example for Free

Single Party States Notes Essay Single Party States notes From: Topic 3- Themes and Exams Tips Chapter: â€Å"Origins and development of authoritarian and single party states† â€Å"What constitutes an authoritarian or single-party state? † Country or state to be classed as an authoritarian or single party state: * Only one legal political party A leader chosen by or from the military following a revolution * Group or leader that controls the state even though there are existing parties * Jean Kirkpatrick (US ambassador-United Nations) once expressed that authoritarian state was â€Å"better than† a totalitarian state- a chance that it would move towards democracy (p. o. v expressed during the Cold War) Characteristics in common- authoritarian or single-party: * Little-no freedom of speech * No freedom of: * Assembly (government must approve meetings) * To travel abroad No idependent judicial system * All sources of information censored * Any idea against the regime will be harshly punished (opposition to them) * â€Å"A leader whose popularity is reinforced by personality cult† Not all states the share charactersistcs some are less oppressive but they all share the strict control over the freedom of the people and use different methods to hold on to power. The age of Kings and Emperors ended with WWI 20th century one of the bloodiest century in history- includes 2 major world wars Left and right wing: Left- wing: Describes the single party, leaders and states that are communist or socialist. Example: Nasser, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Neyerere Right wing: Most fascist leaders of the 20th century began their political careers as members of socialist parties. Fascist leaders and states – right wing Examples: Hitler, Mussoluni and Franco Policies supportive of capitalism as an economic system, ultra nationalist, some cases they promoted religion as a way to unite the people. Right wing ideologies| Left wing ideologies| Facism (in Italy and Nazism-Germany) * Socialist (intended to appeal lower classes) * Strongly nationalistic and considered communism to be a threat| * Widespread ideology (20th C) was communism * â€Å"All people are equal† * â€Å"No private property to protect† * Will to bring the ideal state| Socialism: Characteristics: redistribution of wealth through taxation, the state owns the major industries like coal and steel, the state owns the â€Å"mon opolies† such as the water, transportation and communications, free education and health care for all. This criterion became known as ‘welfare state’. (Gov. hould control ensure the basic standard living for al citizens) Stages of communism: 1) Primitive communisms: â€Å"No monopoly over the means of production† 2) Feudalism: â€Å"Agricultural-based communities developed into kingdoms and powerful rulers took ownership of the land and the people who farmed it† 3) Capitalism: â€Å"commercial activities- trading in manufactured goods† 4) Communism: no private properties, people contribute with their skills, taking only what they needed. No laws to protect wealth and property From States, Governments and Ideologies: The State: * Sovereign state: is independent of all others Way in which is governed- Constitution: basic laws- lay down the power and duties of many institutions and officials of government * Rule of law * Arbitrary government * Sovereignty * States -3 kinds: Unitary states, federal and confederations * Held state – embodies the nation and represents it * Monarchy, republic * Legitimacy, device right of kings (constitutional monarchs) president (republic state) Government: * â€Å"Those persons and institution of state which exercise the power in accordance with the constitution† * Head of the state head of the government (prime ministers) * Executive, cabinet Legislative—making laws (unicameral, bicameral) * Separation of powers, presidential system of government, parliamentary system of government Changes of Government By legal means: (elections) majority system and proportional system—coalition By force: rebellion, revolution, provisional government, co nstituent assembly, new constitution, and peaceful revolution Political Ideologies:( framework theories) Implicit ideologies (propaganda designed etc) * Conservatism * Liberalism Reformist Ideologies: critique of existing society, describe the ideal society would be like, prescriptions from the living situation to the ideal * Socialism: reaction to injustices of the capitalist economic system (social democrats, syndicalist, revolutionary socialists) Marxism: â€Å"an industrialized society, the working class would revolt and take over the ruling class, and would in effect, create a classes society * Anarchism: fight against the order, don’t want any authority Incomplete Ideologies: * Racism * Nationalism * Social Darwinism From: Authoritarianism, Fascism and Totalitarianism Authoritarianism,| Fascism| Totalitarianism| * Ruled by threat or fear * â€Å"Black or white† posture (in or out) * Outlawed the opposition * Enforce their control by torture, execution, etc. * Motivated by patriotism * Resorting law and order * Defending country against the threat of Bolshevism * Leading a regeneration of the nation * Employed and censored the media| * Lower middle class radicalism * Deliberate diversion of the workers * Radical populist solution to the problem of restoring the â€Å"hegemony† of the dominant class| * Subordinate all aspects od the individual’s life to the authority of the gov. Official ideology * Single mass party * Terroristic police control of the population * Monopoly control of the media * Monopoly control of the arms * Central control of the economyâ€Å"worthless- creation of Cold War propaganda- designed to tie the Soviet system together with that of the Nazis† – some historians|

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Examples of Literary Text Analysis

Examples of Literary Text Analysis The written word can spark so much in a person. It can bring a person to have a great imagination, transform a person into a hero, villain, anything that person wants to be. The written word can take a person to any part of the world without even leaving the comfort of your home. The written word breaks through cultural barriers, gives a person other perspectives. The written word can also be used to terry down those bridges people try to climb over to get to the other side. The written word is like an artist without an actual painting. The writer takes a person into the future as well as into the past and back into the present. William Blake, put the art of imagination into eloquent words, This world is a world of imagination and vision. But to eyes of the man of Imagination, Nature is Imagination itself. As a man is, So he sees. (DiYanni, 2007 page 2200) Emotions transpire throughout each piece of work an author has written. Repeated elements in action, gesture, dialogue, descripti on, as well as shifts in direction, focus, time, place. The journey begins with a well known author Cathy Song and her poem Lost Sister. Lost Sister by Cathy Song and the Bible the Prodigal Son This story starts in a culture and identity-envisioning narrative. In China, even peasants named their first daughters Jade-the stone that in the far fields could moisten the dry season. (Cathy Song, (DiYanni, 2007 pp 1188) in the beginning of this story, a father in China, has a daughter and is proud to name her Jade. This is setting the tone from the attitude toward the daughter with love and admiration from a father that is poor and works for a living. The story gives the illusion of maybe the timeframe is placed in an ancient town where there could be different social groups. Known is when the writer says, even the peasants. The narrator goes on to explain the setting metaphor (could make men move mountains for the healing green of the inner hills glistening like slices of winter melon) Figurative Language, metaphorically the narrator is speaking of the stone jade and what it means to men, and how they will attain this precious stone. Structuralism and Social Criticism is applie d when the narrator goes into what was expected of a daughter given the historical period. (And the daughters were grateful: They never left home. To move freely was a luxury stolen from them at birth. Pp 1189) Feminist Criticism In this line the interpretation is that the women are restricted to what they are allowed to do and not allowed to do. The narrator changes the daughters attitude from being grateful into feeling trapped and helpless for being a young girl that is born into this life. (Instead, they gather patience; learning to walk in shoes the size of teacups, without breaking-the arc of their movements as dormant as rooted willow, as redundant as the farmyard hens. Pp 1189) Lost Sister by Cathy Song and the Bible the Prodigal Son This gives the reader the since that the daughter does not look forward to what she does day in and day out. In these lines, she is wishing she could go away somewhere better. The poem goes on mentioning a sister; however, this sister is on the other side of the ocean. (There is a sister across the ocean, who relinquished her name, diluting jade green with the blue of the Pacific. Pp 1189) this sister apparently did not like the restrictions put on her way of life so she did something about her situation and left China. In comparison the in Acts the New Testament, the author Luke, The Prodigal son, did not like where he lived and so took upon himself to go to another country. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 27). This poem uses Flashback and Symbols (You find you need China: your one fragile identification, a jade link handcuffed to your wrist. You remember your mother who walked for centuries, footlessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ and like her, you have left no footprints, but only because there is an ocean in between, the unremitting space of your rebellion.) (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 1190). Both sisters have a conscience of an inner conflict one sister desires to please her family by staying in China, Acts the New Testament, the author Luke, Just like the oldest son in The Prodigal Son, Now the elder son was in the field, and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. In addition, the son said to the father; Lo, these many years do I serve, neither transgressed also obeyed what you have command. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 27). The sister in America flashing back and is regretting leaving her life in China, she is finding out freedom is not so free and this life is not what she probably had imagined. Girl by Jamaica Kincaid and Alice Walker in Everyday Use The similarities of these stories are the relationships that mothers and daughters have with each other. In the Girl by Jamaica Kincaid, it starts with a mother giving instructions on how the wash is supposed to be done. (Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry.) (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 397) There is no introduction of the characters, no action, and no traditional plotline. In the story of Everyday Use by Alice Walker, this story has a similar theme, a mother with two daughters narrates this story and how she interacts with each daughter. In similarities both stories are Anthropological each story gives a history behind the story. In Everyday Use Mrs. Johnson, starts out describing how her relationship is with her eldest daughter. Then the mother goes on telling about the day when Dee, the daughter came home from college. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 743) Both stories give an allusion to where the sett ing takes place. Girl, by Kincaid, the setting took place in their house, during the instruction on how to keep the house clean. (This is how you sweep a corner; this is how sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard; (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 398)In Walkers story Everyday Use The daughters have different view points on how they see their identities and on how they view their heritage. The conflict is over some heirloom quilts. The story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid continues with other instructions on how to become a Young woman should act like. (dont walk barhead in the hot sun; cook pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil; soak your little clothes right after you take them off.) (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 397) These values are passed on to their daughters which are frequently heard by mothers throughout the story especially in Jamaica Kincaids story of Girl by Jamaica Kincaid and Alice Walker in Everyday Use Girl commands to help prevent her daughter from becoming a slut. the slut that she is so bent on becoming.(DiYann, 2007, Pp 397) There is not much difference in a cultural relationship between mothers and daughters in the past to the present day. The mother wants to pass on the necessary cultural and moral practices and values that she was taught by her mother. In both points of view, the narrator is speaking in the first person. In Girl by Jamaica Kincaid, the mother is referring to herself as I for example; the slut I know you are so bent on becoming and the slut I have warned you against becoming. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 397) Mrs. Johnson, an uneducated woman, tells the story herself. Mrs. Johnson said, I never had an education myself. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 745) The church raised money to help send Dee to school in Augusta, GA. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 744). The stories both depict a social and economic view on how life was. Girl by Jamaica Kincaid showed the economy by how she brought to atten tion in pp 397; dont sing benna in Sunday school; you mustnt speak to wharf-rat boys, not even to give directions. Critics appreciate the quality of how Kincaid and Walker represented the image of how mother and daughters bond and how powerful one person can effect ones life. The reader learns a particularly relationship operates in a colonial culture and in the deep south of Georgia. Both writers use the observation of life to validate their experiences in their own life. Both writers used this technique to authenticate oppressed group of people: lower class, black women. This is point of view is also shared with the oppressing of a group of people by the poem by Langston Hughes; Dream Deferred and Woody Guthries poem This Land Is Your Land. This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie and Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes This land is your land, this land is my land, From California to the New York island; from the redwood forest, to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 897) Woody Guthrie, started his poem out with a patriotic song that sets the tone for being proud of ones country. Compared to Hughes poem Dream Deferred, he starts questioning the American dream. What happens to a dream deferred? (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 896) Gathrie, goes on in his poem stating; As I walking the ribbon of highway I saw above me the endless skyway: I saw below me that golden valley: This land was made for you and me. This stanza is pointing out that dreams and possiblities are possible. Nevertheless, in Hughes poem the question is not having the dream but points out that the narrator has the dream but because of cirumstances that is not knowing to the reader he goes on asking, Does it dry up like a rasien in the sun? (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 897) Or fester like a sore-and then run? This par t of the poem in oness opioin is asking if he should put the dream aside for awhile but then it becomes to strong of a desire to make this dream come true it may just come out despite the obscales in the way. On the contrary, in Guthries poem Ive roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts; And all around me a voice was sounding: This land was made for you and me. When the sun came shining, and I was strolling, And the wheat fields waving and dust clouds rolling, As fog was lifting voice was chanting: This land was made for you and me. As I went walking, I saw a sign there, And on the sign it said No Trespassing. Here the narrator roams the United States however there are parts in the This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie and Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes United States those are not free to roam. Guthrie, a radical, was inspired to write the song as an answer to Irving Berlins popular God Bless America, which he thought failed to recognize that it was the people to whom America belonged. The words to This Land Is Your Land reflect Guthries assumption that patriotism, support for the underdog, and class struggle were all of a piece. In this song, Guthrie celebrates Americas natural beauty and bounty, but criticizes the country for its failure to share its riches. Reflected in the poem least-known verse: In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people, By the relief office I seen my people; As they stood hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me. (DiYanni, 2007, Pp 898) Woody Guthrie, This was material deliberately created to promote the war effort, expressing the passionate fervor of left-wing resistance to fascism. The poem Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes and the poem This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie, is clea rly a supporter of the American culture to have change in how America views freedom for all. Langston Hughes poem Dream Deferred is expressing the same theme as Woody Guthrie has pointed out that words can transform a person into a hero, capture a persons since of what is right and what is wrong. The imagery that is vividly written on paper touches a persons emotions to make things right or at least reflect on how the future can be changed. Both poems have a way of being a window through the construction of the poem so one can see the reality of what message they want to get across. Using irony and figurative speech help strength each line to understand what the message was. Conclusion Even during the 1960s, American progressives continued to seek ways to fuse their love of country with their opposition to the governments policies. The March on Washington in 1963 gathered at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr. famously quoted the words to My Country Tis of Thee, repeating the phrase Let freedom ring 11 times. (Dreier and Flacks, 2005) This tone is set through out Hughesand Guthrie poems and short stories and songs, seting the stage to get this message out that all men should be free to choose where they want to live and all men and women should be free to pursue their dreams without another telling them what dream they should have. Along with woody guthries songs that freedom should be granted not just to the people that have money. But to all that do an honesty days work and get paid equally. In all the short stories and poems that have been represented in this essay, the one thing that all of the authors have in common is their basic values, and ec onomic and social equality to mass parcipation in politices. The desire to have free speech and civil liberties an eleminate the second-class citizenship and racial minorities. William Blake, put the art of imagination into such eloquent words, This world is a world of imagination and vision. But to eyes of the man of Imagination, Nature is Imagination itself. As a man is, So he sees. (DiYanni, 2007 page 2200) John Kotter wrote, The single biggest challenge in manging change is not strategy, structure, or culture, but just getting people to change their behavior. Kotter goes on to say that People change their behaviors only when they are motivated to do so, and that happens when you speak to their feelings. These authors speak to ones feelings to motivate a person to make things right.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Teaching and Student Experience Essay

Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Teaching and Student Experience ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on novel approaches open to teachers of philosophy in particular, but more generally also to other university teachers, in the face of what Allan Bloom saw as the waning of a literary culture. It is argued that, although some of Bloom's suggestions regarding the successful engagement of students' interest-against overwhelming odds-are didactically valuable, he neglects precisely those avenues from which students could benefit most on the basis of their own experience in a world largely devoid of literary attachments but saturated with audiovisual ones. These options are explored in some detail from various perspectives, including the difference between a written and an audiovisual text, the philosophical-critical potential of rock music and the interdisciplinary value of a teaching model that has student experience as its point of departure. Does the ancient discipline of philosophy still have something of value to give to university students as we approach the millenium? In a world suffused by proliferating media-images and sounds, does a discipline whose insights are born of the interpenetration of thinking and language stand any chance of being heard amid the noise, or noticed in the headlong rush for greater global investment and development? I shall argue that it does, and that philosophy is, in fact, alive (perhaps dormant) in the most unexpected practices and activities, albeit not always easy to recognize, and although philosophers and teachers of philosophy face the sometimes difficult task of enlivening these philosophical sparks into a steady flame. My argument rests on the assumption that philosophy is not only an anc... .... Being and time. Tr. Macquarrie, J. & Robinson, E. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Kearney, R. 1988. The wake of imagination. London: Hutchinson. Kierkegaard, S. 1987. Either/or. Vol. 2.Tr. Hong, H.V. & Hong, E.H. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Lyotard, J-F. 1991. The inhuman: Reflections on time. Tr. Bennington, G. & Bowlby, R. Cambridge: Polity press. O'Neill, O. 1993. Kantian ethics. In: Singer, P.(Ed.) A companion to ethics. Oxford: Blackwell. Paglia, C. 1993. Rock as art. In: Sex, art, and American culture. London: Penguin Books. Pettit, P. 1993. Consequentialism. In: Singer, P. (Ed.) A companion to ethics. Oxford: Blackwell. Plato. 1974. Republic. Tr. Grube, G. M. A. In: Plato's Republic. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co. Romney, J. 1996. Kids, a gift to middle America. In: New Statesman & Society, Vol 9, 17 May, Issue 403, p35.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Longest Journey :: Personal Narrative Africa Traveling Essays

The Longest Journey Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, you can’t wait and it actually seems the days and hours are getting longer as you get close? I hadn’t seen my father for three years and I wanted to see him so bad, I also wanted to the United States of America which had been my dream since I was a little child. My dad had left for the United States when his business failed and he had to find a job which was better than his business and after a few years he decided to move his family as well. I was exited and couldn’t wait until the last week I had to spend in Africa because then I realized what I was about to live behind, all my relatives and friends, my home, it was going to very hard for me to live the place I called home for fifteen years. It was very early in the morning when I got up, the sky cloud less, it had never looked so beautiful, the grass and bushes still filled with the early morning due. I got in my moms truck and we drove to my grandparents to say the final goodbye. It was about fifty kilometers from where I lived, deep in the African jungle where molt of the land in untouched by man. I kept my head outside the window most of the time enjoying the breeze and thinking about what I was about to live behind. I got to my grand parents palace which we used to call â€Å"the village† and as usual, my grand parents were so happy to see us. It is a very pretty cite, my grand ma singing very joyfully, my cousins rushing from the garden with fruits. I remember that day e had jackfruit, pineapples, mangoes, and lots of homey that my grandfather used to extract himself. After lunch which I didn’t eat because I had too much fruit, we headed home where I was very anxious to see my girlfriend who had skipp ed school to say goodbye but the ride took longer than I anticipated so by the time we got home, it was time to head off to the airport, the longest yet shortest journey have ever had to travel. It was like my heart was being ripped in half and also being mended at the same time because I was I had to live my home but I also wanted to see my dad who I hadn’t seen for a while, my mom was driving, me, my little brother and sister who I was to travel with sat in the back of the truck with a few of our cousins.

Theories of Accident Causation Essay --

There is major concern about patient safety. It has been caused in part by obvious failures in which many patients have been harmed. This concern seems to be escalating worldwide. The medical culture that we’re in today seems to rely on secrecy, professional protection, defensiveness, and respect to authority. Theses ideologies are central to these failures, and preventing future failures depends on cultural as much as structural change in health care systems and organizations. Swiss Cheese Model James T. Reason developed the Swiss cheese model. The model is used in risk evaluations and risk management to determine accident causation. It’s an accident causation model used in aviation, engineering and healthcare. It represents the human systems used and equates them to Swiss cheese slices put side by side. Sometimes it is referred to as the cumulative act effect. The structure of the Swiss cheese model applies to most risky fields, but I will discuss how it applies to healthcare. The developer theorized that most accidents could be traced back to more than one failure. These failures include organizational influence, supervision, preconditions and specific acts. Some examples of preconditions include fatigued workers, or communication errors. Unsafe supervision can be explained as putting inexperienced nurses in an Oncology unit to administer chemotherapy. Organizational influences can be perceived as performing understaffed when the consequences are known. An organization’s guard against most failures, in the Swiss cheese model, are presented as a chain of walls, symbolized by the slices of cheese. The wholes that are in the cheese represent the weaknesses in individual parts of the healthcare system, and are constantly wavering i... ...ime or another, but if you can decrease that amount from what you normally see it could benefit your organizations reputation. Health care executives are able to better understand why keeping patients’ safe from harm protects market share, reimbursement levels, organizational reputation, and accreditation status (Carroll, 2009). Today, in almost every health care system, safety has become a top priority. Through patient safety efforts the risk management professionals can help to place trust back into the health care system. Reference Carroll, R. (2009). Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations. San Fransisco, CA, USA: Jossey-Bass. Walshe, K., & Shortell, M. S. (2004, May). When Things Go Wrong: How Health Care Organizationa Deal With Failures. Retrieved January 15, 2014, from Health Affairs: Theories of Accident Causation Essay -- There is major concern about patient safety. It has been caused in part by obvious failures in which many patients have been harmed. This concern seems to be escalating worldwide. The medical culture that we’re in today seems to rely on secrecy, professional protection, defensiveness, and respect to authority. Theses ideologies are central to these failures, and preventing future failures depends on cultural as much as structural change in health care systems and organizations. Swiss Cheese Model James T. Reason developed the Swiss cheese model. The model is used in risk evaluations and risk management to determine accident causation. It’s an accident causation model used in aviation, engineering and healthcare. It represents the human systems used and equates them to Swiss cheese slices put side by side. Sometimes it is referred to as the cumulative act effect. The structure of the Swiss cheese model applies to most risky fields, but I will discuss how it applies to healthcare. The developer theorized that most accidents could be traced back to more than one failure. These failures include organizational influence, supervision, preconditions and specific acts. Some examples of preconditions include fatigued workers, or communication errors. Unsafe supervision can be explained as putting inexperienced nurses in an Oncology unit to administer chemotherapy. Organizational influences can be perceived as performing understaffed when the consequences are known. An organization’s guard against most failures, in the Swiss cheese model, are presented as a chain of walls, symbolized by the slices of cheese. The wholes that are in the cheese represent the weaknesses in individual parts of the healthcare system, and are constantly wavering i... ...ime or another, but if you can decrease that amount from what you normally see it could benefit your organizations reputation. Health care executives are able to better understand why keeping patients’ safe from harm protects market share, reimbursement levels, organizational reputation, and accreditation status (Carroll, 2009). Today, in almost every health care system, safety has become a top priority. Through patient safety efforts the risk management professionals can help to place trust back into the health care system. Reference Carroll, R. (2009). Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations. San Fransisco, CA, USA: Jossey-Bass. Walshe, K., & Shortell, M. S. (2004, May). When Things Go Wrong: How Health Care Organizationa Deal With Failures. Retrieved January 15, 2014, from Health Affairs:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A career is a developmental process of progression

Career is defined as the sequence of employment-related places, functions, activities and experiences encountered by a individual ( Arnold, 1997, P: 16 ) . In other words, â€Å" a calling is a developmental procedure of patterned advance † ( Baruch, 2004 ) . In order to stand out and come on in a chosen business and have an effectual calling planning, an single must be cognizant of his/her strengths and failings. In add-on to this, one must besides cognize the skills/competences required for that peculiar field and must hold good researched background about that business for case the current market scenario for new comers and the range for that business etc ( Lock, 2004 ) . There is a alteration apparent in the nature of the calling. This can be illustrated with the application of the psychological contract. On one manus, the old contract illustrates the exchange of trueness and accomplishments from an employee for occupation security and calling development from the employer . On the other manus, the new trade states the replacing of the construct of occupation term of office with employability and quality of life from the employer, with the anticipation of public presentation and flexibleness from the employee. Further more, there is an understanding between the employer and the employee that administrations will supply preparation and accomplishments to their employees with the outlook of them go oning to work in the same administration with the freshly acquired accomplishments and preparation ( Herriot, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to Casey ( 1999 ) , in modern administration, values, attitudes, beliefs etc are of import. Further more, the civilization programme helps an person to grok his or her work character and cognize his or her work values, attitude, beliefs and behavior. This benefits the person to come on in their calling and besides track an ideal occupation that fit their work values, beliefs etc. The work values that are most of import to me when sing work are money as it is a primary ground for me, security as it is indispensable for me to cognize that my occupation is secured and I wo n't lose it some twenty-four hours, communicating as an administration with good communicating will hold a good squad, therefore profiting the administration, and in conclusion, work with others as this will assist to construct dealingss at work and lead to a strong squad ( Hopson & A ; Scally, 1999 ) . Pull offing and planning of a calling are highly important for an person ‘s professional growing a nd development. Together the person and the administration are accountable for the development of a calling. However, an person has more duty to craft his ain calling when compared to the administration. The person is entirely responsible for his calling as it is his or her coveted aspiration and the administration is simply a accelerator in the tract to his/her success. Hence, this is the purpose behind making the Personal Development Plan for myself. The Personal Development Plan will assist me recognize my strengths, failings, work values, and larning manners, be of aid to research my chosen calling, assist me reflect on my accomplishments and competencies, and help me to put aims that will beneficial for my chosen business. The calling that fascinates me is that of events direction. Events direction involves direct and personal communicating with people and besides involves creativeness. Event organizers are expected to work in squads and have first-class interaction or communicating, organizational and clip direction accomplishments as event organizers are accountable for the production of events right from construct to the completion of the event. Some illustrations of events are carnivals and festivals, meetings, merchandise startups and publicities, fund-raising and societal events etc. The range for the events industry is predicted to turn as there is estimated to be about 69,000 more managerial occupations in this sector in the twelvemonth 2017 than in the twelvemonth 2007. Besides, as supported by recent intelligence, GL Events reveals a 14.8 % growing in gross for this sector in 2010. My short-run calling aspiration is to acquire experience in events. This may be voluntary or nonvoluntary. The i ntent of making this will assist me acquire some experience and therefore give me more cognition and exposure to carry through my average term aspiration that is going an adjunct event manager/organiser. And eventually, my long-run calling aspiration is to go an events organizer and have an events direction company of my ain.Section 1.2: SKILLS REQUIRED/ DEMANDED IN YOUR CHOSEN OCCUPATION/ROLEThere is no standard way in order to go an event organizer, and it is non typical either to happen a alumnus preparation proposition or a occupation advert with easy and direct entryway unlike other occupations like banking, finance and accounting and so on. Nevertheless, some administrations do enroll alumnuss who match the outlooks of the occupation with the right accomplishments and competences. A grade in events direction acts as a competitory advantage along with good work experience in this field. In other words, good work experience is a prevailing factor required when it comes to events direction. There are many skills/competences to see when coming to events direction. Some of them include good organizational and clip direction accomplishments, undertaking direction accomplishments and experience ; ability to work under complexness ; problem-solving or analytical accomplishments ; being able to give notice to minute inside informations, first-class communicating and squad working accomplishments ; flexibleness and the ability to market or advance the event along with the ability to pull off budgets for the events. In add-on to these, an person must besides be a good squad participant, must be self-motivated, articulate, originative ; and must hold good Personal computer accomplishments and besides presentational accomplishments that are utile when fliping thoughts to the clients. The accomplishments that make me suited for this sector are that of squad direction accomplishments, good communicating and dialogue accomplishments, good organizational accomplishments, time-management and selling accomplishments, accomplishment of flexibleness and ability to work under complex and nerve-racking state of affairss. All of these accomplishments are the most of import when it comes to pull offing an event right from be aftering an event to showing the event.Section 1.3A: ONE STRENGTH ( WITH EXAMPLES )A strength that would give me a competitory advantage over others would be that of working in a squad. Team working is really indispensable when it comes to working with others and it non merely helped me turn separately but besides acquire motivated and larn new skills/qualities from other group members. University group class plants have helped me to work in a squad and larn accomplishments like communicating accomplishments, researching and composing accomplishments and besides presentation accomplishments. Besides, in my inn, Good Shepherd International School, India, I got the chance to work in a squad and besides go the leader for that squad theref ore assisting me to better on my communicating accomplishments and leading accomplishments. I get along with largely everyone I work with and listen to others sentiment every bit good.Section 1.3B: ONE WEAKNESS ( WITH EXAMPLES )From the Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Styles Questionnaire ( 1996 ) , I concluded with a failing that is of import for my country of work involvement i.e. in the field of events direction. The questionnaire concluded me to be in the theorist class. The questionnaire consequence suggested my failing to be that of analytical thought. In other words, reasoning from experiences. The questionnaire besides concluded me to be in the theorist class. It is really of import to be able to reason informations, particularly in the field of events, speedy decision-making is of import and non being able to analyze and reason informations accurately will take me to jobs.Section 2: Contemplation ON YOUR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT:This subdivision will give a image of the three different experiences I encountered and the skills/competences I learnt from them.EXPERIENCE 1:This experience helped me develop the accomplishment of Time direction and the ability to work under force per unit area. The event happened in the university and besides the necessary actions to better on this accomplishment began from place. It is justly said that ‘Time is money ‘ and university class works most surely helped me value and understand clip. Due to effectual usage of clip I have been able to subject my class works on clip, which enables me to do of import notes from the assignment point of position. Besides, I have managed to make for university talks and seminars, and assignments and interviews on clip. Time direction has taught be non to stall work as earlier I used to happen it hard to complete my work on clip and I used to acquire stressed. But bit by bit I have improved my clip direction accomplishments by doing notes, puting dismaies for talks, seminars, assignments etc. The work force per unit area of three faculties every semester in the university has motivated me to gain that I can get by with emphasis and force per unit area by utilizing clip expeditiously. Schuler ( 1979 ) provinces that when an single uses his or her clip good, less emphasis is generated which in bend helps the administration to profit with a healthy, more efficient and a satisfied employee ( Schuler, 1979, P: 854 ) . In other words, it can be implied that if a university pupil takes less stress and manages and utilises clip efficaciously, the public presentation of the pupil at the university can be good. This accomplishment will unimpeachably non merely assist me equilibrate and pull off my personal and professional life in the hereafter and specially in my chosen business, events direction, where clip is money, but besides assist me present a successful event, assist me make my work topographic point on clip and assist me complete my work on clip.EXPERIENCE 2:This experience helped me develop the accomplishment of Team direction i.e. working in a squad. The experience was a positive one, which happened in the university for a group presentation. Our group had a batch of integrity and we all worked as a squad and helped each other wherever we could assist. There was administration in everything we did for case, we planned and scheduled a meeting every hebdomad, wherein we would update with the advancement and make up one's mind the future work allocation for all the group members. In add-on to this, the leader of our group was really supportive of everyone ‘s thoughts and there were no differences with the thoughts for our presentation. We all agreed and communicated good with each other in a proper mode. Harmonizing to Barrick ( 1998 ) , effectual squad direction occurs when there is good communicating among the group members and besides when there are high degrees of conscientiousness and employee amenity nowadays. My large five personality trial shows that my conscientiousness and agreeableness consequence is satisfactory and good for my calling option i.e. events direction as the occupation needs one to be organised and a good squad participant. This accomplishment will assist me go a good squad participant, which will assist me stand out in my field.EXPERIENCE 3:This experience has taught me the accomplishment of self-motivation or how to construct up my self-esteem. This happened at when I was 13 old ages old. I was de-motivated by my friends, who passed remarks on me for non being able to talk English good. English is my 2nd linguistic communication. I was so encouraged by my female parent to get down reading newspapers and books and get down composing essays and studies in Eng lish. And till this day of the month, larning English is an on-going procedure. I still promote myself and seek non to acquire affected by other people ‘s remarks and take unfavorable judgments good. Harmonizing to Maslow ( 1954 ) , there are certain demands like physiological ( air, H2O, nutrient etc ) , safety ( occupation security, insurance etc ) , societal ( friendship, giving and having love etc ) , esteem ( self- regard, achievement, self-esteem etc ) and self-actualisation ( truth, justness etc ) that need to be satisfied before one can move altruistically. So every bit long as these demands are fulfilled, an single corsets motivated. I have learnt that it is my duty to construct up my self- regard and non acquire affected by remarks. If a individual is self- motivated, they are able to demo good consequences in their work. I have besides learnt to believe positively and accept my strengths and failings and besides work on my failings. This helps me construct my assurance. Bing self-motivated and assisting myself build on my ain self- regard will assist me present better public presentation at work. Events direction is an business wherein one needs to be confident and assurance can come merely when a individual is self- motivated from within.Section 3: CAREER MANAGEMENT ACTION PlanOBJECTIVE 1:State the aim.To larn and construct up on my leading accomplishmentsOutline of specific actions associated with the accomplishment of the above aim.Participate in category arguments and activities.Take the enterprise to take on the leading function when take parting in schoolroom group activities.Read books on leading accomplishments like Leadership in Organizations etc and use them.Volunteer for undertakings and activities in category. This will assist me construct my assurance.Time frame for accomplishment of the above aim.20THSeptember, 2011Have started take parting in schoolroom group activities and taking on the function of a leader.OBJECTIVE 2:State the aim. Bettering on my CV authorship accomplishmentsOutline of specific actions associated with the accomplishment of the above aim.Practice authorship and demo it to coachs.Read books on how to compose effectual CV like The ultimate CV book etc.Read books with high vocabulary. This will assist me acquire different thoughts to compose my CV, doing it more appealing and different from othersGeting an assignment with the employability squad from the university and acquiring my CV checked, and besides acquiring tips from them.Time frame for accomplishment of the above aim.30THJanuary, 2011Have started reading a book on CV composingOBJECTIVE 3State the aim.Bing able to happen and analyze informationsOutline of specific actions associated with the accomplishment of the above aim.Read books on how to analyze informations like Data analysis and determination devising with Microsoft excel etc.Practice and use the accomplishments of analyzing informationsTime frame for accomplishment of the above a im10THSeptember, 2011Have read the survey accomplishments handbook chapter 6: research accomplishmentsBibliographies: Arnold, J. ( 1997 ) ‘Managing Careers into the twenty-first Century ‘ , London, Paul Chapman Publishing. Barrick, M. R. , Stewart, G. L. , Neubert, M. J. , & A ; Mount, M. K. ( 1998 ) . Associating member ability and personality to work squad procedures and squad effectivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 3, 377-391 Baruch, Y. ( 2004 ) ‘Managing Careers: Theory and Practice ‘ , Harlow, Ft. Prentice Hall. Construct your ain Rainbow ( 3rd Ed ) : a workbook for calling and life direction, B. Hopson and M. Scally ( 1999 ) , Management Books 2000, ISBN 1-85252-300-X Casey, C ( 1999 ) – Come fall in our household: Discipline and Intergration in Corporate Organizational Culture, Human Relations, Vol52, No2 Digman, J.M ( 1990 ) . Personality construction: Emergence of the five- factor theoretical account. Annual reappraisal of Psychology 41: 417- 440. Herriot, P. and Pemberton, C. , ( 1995 ) , New Deals: The Revolution in Managerial Careers, Wiley, Chichester. Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Styles Questionnaire ( 1996 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20HHYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // H & A ; M Learning Styles questionnaire.DOC † & amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // H & A ; M Learning Styles questionnaire.DOC † M % 20Learning % 20Styles % 20questionnaire.DOC hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 16th November, 2010 ) . Lock, R. ( 2004 ) Taking charge of your calling way, Book1 of Career be aftering usher. [ e-book reader ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // id=lU3YWgNCOsQC & A ; dq=taking+charge+of+your+career+direction & A ; source=gbs_navlinks_s ( Accessed: 27th October 2010 ) . Maslow, A.R. ( 1970 ) Motivation and Personality 3rd ( erectile dysfunction. ) , Chapter 2 [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 2015 % 20E205B % 20Maslow % 20- % 20Human % 20Motivation.pdf ( Accessed: 31st November, 2010 ) . Schuler, R. S. ( 1979 ) . Pull offing emphasis means managing clip. Forces Journal, 58, 851-854, [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th November, 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) . Peoples 1st State of the Nation Report 2009 – Peoples 1st for Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // Of The Nation/2010/State_of_the_Nation_2010_Executive_Summary.pdf † % 20Of % 20The % 20Nation/2010/State_of_the_Nation_2010_Executive_Summary.pdf. ( Accessed: 18th October 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . ( Accessed: 18th October 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) .CURRICULUM VITAEU0918976Nido, 200, Pentonville route, London, N1 9JP pallavigupta @ Objective:A challenging and responsible place to use and heighten my analytical accomplishments required for doing a grade in this competitory field. Willing to work with my full potency, assurance and guaranting for the best of my ability to work hard.Personal Profile:If I was supposed to depict myself in 3 words, they would be honest, difficult working and airy. Honest towards my work, difficult working attitude to stand out and a vision to make something more meaningful. I am an person with originative aptitude and an involvement in events direction. I besides possess a ardor for going and understanding diverse civilizations.Skills:I.T. SkillsA : Course Completed: A Diploma in Basic Computing like MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point and Internet Explorer Languages Known: English, Hindi, & A ; Marathi, Basic French.Education Qualification:Foundation Course: Institute / College: Malvern House College, The Bloomsbury Academy, London. B.A.Hons. : Stream: Events Management Academic twelvemonth: A Sep 2009 to Show Institute / College: A University of East London H.S.C. : Board: A A A Mumbai Board Stream: A Commerce Academic twelvemonth: A Feb 2007. Institute / College: A R.A.Podar College of Commerce and Economics, Matunga, Mumbai. S.S.C. : Board: Mumbai Board Academic twelvemonth: A March 2005 Institute / College: A St. Anthony Girls ‘ High School, Mumbai.Work Experience:I besides take enterprises in extra-curricular activities. When I was in International Good Shepherd Finishing School, Ooty, I had organized assorted maps which included The Bachelors Party, Party for kids, etc. My Professors, Coordinators and Principal non merely appreciated me for my undertaking work but besides for my communicating accomplishments. I was promoted to the profile of a Team Lead, in which I was managing a squad of 20 associates. I am besides a registered voluntary with Cancer Research Uk and have volunteered in the 10K Run as a race Marshall.Extra Curriculum Activities:Diploma in Polished Diamond, International Gemological Institute, Mumbai. Completing School in International Good Shepherd, Ootacamund.Interest:Listening to music, playing athleticss like hoops, badminton, swimming, and throw ball. In add-on to these, I besides like to play golf and make horse equitation. I have a acute involvement in going and have visited topographic points like Australia, Mauritius, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, Paris and London. In my free clip I read inspirational books. Reading newspapers and assorted cultural magazines are a wont. Watching intelligence channels for current universe updates is besides an interesting activity for me. I enjoy still photography excessively.